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Opportunity in Times of Change—Oct. 16 “Office Hours”

Samantha-Ettus-2013-120x120Join us as host Samantha Ettus and featured guest Anne Barry Jolles, MBA, PCC, OT, team up for the Conference for Women’s online radio show “Office Hours.”

“Office Hours”—Opportunity in Times of Change
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013 from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM (EDT)


Do you worry when moving out of your comfort zone? Is your ability to be creative shunted by your fear of failure? Does your need for perfection keep you stuck? Then this month’s broadcast is designed for you! As a bestselling author and the host of Working Moms Lifestyle, Samantha has helped hundreds of women champion themselves in the workplace. Anne is a personal and professional coach who was recently named Life Coach of the Year 2013 by The International Coach Federation of New England.

During the broadcast Sam and Anne will discuss how to:

• foster the right mindset to navigate transition
• seek opportunity in times of chaos
• identify your strengths and weaknesses
• prepare and take action

Samantha and Anne will be addressing your questions during the broadcast. If you are interested in having your question answered on the show please send an email to [email protected] with your name, contact information, and brief overview of your question or challenge.

These are “Office Hours” you can’t afford to miss.


Please note: A link to the online radio show will be sent upon registration.

Follow along during the broadcast on Twitter with @MassWomen and use tags #OfficeHours

About Anne: Anne is a coach because she loves working with people who are motivated to create a life they love and are willing to do what it takes to achieve it. She has helped thousands of people positively change their personal and professional lives when they are stuck, stagnant, pointed in the wrong direction or feel that there is something bigger they want to do. Anne assists individuals and groups to identify purpose and meaning, clarify values and vision and then define steps and goals to get them there. As challenges are discovered and obstacles arise, strategies are created to achieve their unique vision of success. To connect with Anne, click here.

About Sam: As the leading lifestyle and parenting expert for women, Samantha Ettus specializes in coaching the busiest parents on the planet. Since earning her undergraduate and MBA degrees from Harvard, Sam has coached thousands of parents – celebrities, top CEO’s and professional athletes – who aim to perform at the highest levels in both their professional and personal lives. To connect with Sam, click here.

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