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2018 Session | Mental Health Crisis: Managing the Anxiety & Depression Epidemic Today

Rates of anxiety, depression and suicide have skyrocketed in the last few decades and continue to rise at a staggering rate. Unlike other diseases, mental health doesn’t discriminate. It hits hard and it hits everyone regardless of background as we have seen with the recent deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain—people who looked on paper like they had it all. The stats are alarming: 1 in 5 American children and college students suffer from a diagnosable mental, emotional or behavioral disorder. And according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 75% of all mental health conditions begin before the age of 24. Whether you are suffering yourself or caring for children who are suffering, it is important to know you are not alone. This session will discuss warning signs, resources, and strategies available to help you manage through crisis. A panel of experts and pioneers who have braved the battle will share their experiences and offer guidance for those in need.

Thought Leader: Myechia Minter-Jordan MD, MBA
president and CEO, The Dimock Center


⚬ Laurie Santos, professor psychology, head of Silliman College and teaches the most popular class at Yale University
⚬ Amanda Southworth, creator, Anxiety Helper and Mental Health and LGBTQ activist
⚬ Amanda Stern, writer, literary organizer and author, Little Panic

Emcee: Stephanie Browne, vice president of talent acquisition, chief diversity and inclusion, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts