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2016 Session | Five Simple Steps to Take Control and Own Your Health

Whether you are a young woman who just landed your first job, a stay-at-home mom who is known as your son/daughter’s chauffer or an executive who is jet-setting around the globe, you may struggle to find time to focus on your health. Taking care of your health can actually make facing life’s challenges a lot easier. What’s more, taking steps to take control of your health can be empowering. Eating well, meditating and exercising seem like something only celebrities have time and money to achieve. Attend this session and see for yourself that it can be for everyone! Participants will walk away with five simple steps to take charge of your health and get on the right track toward better living.


Lori Fontaine, VP, clinical affairs, Hologic Inc.
Dr. Susan Harvey, assistant professor of radiology and radiological science director, Johns Hopkins Breast Imaging Section