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Balance for the Entrepreneur Mom: Teleclass Recap

Johnson-EmmasmSelf-employed moms often face the burden of guilt while juggling work, family and personal needs. Am I spending enough time with my kids? Am I doing enough for my business? How can I ever find “me” time?

In this 30-minute teleclass, Emma Johnson, the voice behind the popular blog Wealthy Single Mommy, explained Four Rules of Work-Life Balance for the entrepreneur mom. Scroll down to listen to the full recording.

Four Rules of Work-Life Balance for the Entrepreneur Mom

1. Minimize the number of decisions you make about work-life balance and get rid of guilt and stress.
2. Figure out what REALLY connects you as a family.
3. Get over working mom guilt.
4. Break your own rules. Life is complicated!

Emma suggests blurring the lines between work and family MORE, not less. At dinner, talk to your kids about your day, to show them who you are as a person, a business owner, and a confident woman, not just Mom!

Regardless of whether you are looking to become an entrepreneur mom or already have a business established, this teleclass provide insights and tips on how to connect with your family while balancing it all.

About Emma: Emma Johnson is a full-time freelance business writer and creator of, a leading voice on marriage, parenting, work-life balance for women and entrepreneurs and family economics. Follow her on Twitter at @JohnsonEmma

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