Taline Badrikian
TALINE BADRIKIAN is the founder and principal of Laveh Inbound Marketing. She architects and implements marketing “machines” to help grow startups and small businesses. After a long career in in-house marketing, she found herself repeating the same achievements as head of marketing for small companies in Boston. Badrikian’s measure of success is being able to make a positive impact, so in 2015 she decided to bring her 15 years of experience to as many companies as possible. In her current role, she works to help companies benefit from Laveh’s experience in marketing strategy, SEO, content creation, social media engagement, email-marketing, and more. She speaks about marketing at local innovation centers, is a volunteer mentor at MassChallenge and the Center for Women & Enterprise. In her spare time, she writes children’s books in Armenian to preserve the language. @talinebadrikian