Elizabeth Yancy Bostic
ELIZABETH YANCY BOSTIC is the founder of The Parent Coach LLC, specializing in special education advocacy and consultation. As a single mother of two children with special needs – one of whom is medically complex – she understands the challenge of balancing the intricacies of caregiving with employment and pursuing personal growth. Bostic is a certified John C. Maxwell coach, trainer, and speaker, who is sought after for speaking engagements for a variety of topics, including effective communication, leadership and advocacy. She is known for empowering parents with skills and knowledge to effectively collaborate with their school districts to access the educational supports their child needs, and is highly respected by school districts and disability stakeholders across the state. She is a member of the board of directors of the Federation for Children with Special Needs, a previous board president of the Special Needs Advocacy Network, and a former member of the Arc of Massachusetts Board.