Judy Freedman
Judy Freedman is a blogger, social media influencer and communications consultant. She writes an award-winning blog, aboomerslifeafter50.com, and contributes to The Huffington Post, AARP.com, BlogHer and other on-line publications. Her blog was an official honoree in the 2013 Webby Awards, and in 2012 was named by The Huffington Post as one of its “7 Favorite Blogs for Women Post 50.” The Harvard Business Review also featured her in its blog post “Yes, Marketers, There is Life After Mommyblogging,” noting: “Hers is an authoritative voice, one well worth the attention of a brand marketer.” Freedman recently retired from a 30-year corporate communications career at Campbell Soup Company. As her second career during her life after 50, she has founded JudiBoomergirl Communications LLC, a social media and communications consulting practice. @JudiBoomerGirl