Texting & Driving, It Can Wait
by Mary Beth Hawkins, President, Women of AT&T New England
Take out your wireless device. Read the last text message you received out loud. Would reading or responding to that text message from behind the wheel of a moving vehicle be worth the risk of getting into a car accident or worse? Chances are, the text message could wait.
With a tenfold increase in text messaging over the last three years according to CTIA — The Wireless Association, there is no question that texting is increasingly becoming the way many communicate today. And, for many, the allure to quickly read and respond — even from behind the wheel of a moving vehicle — can be tempting. Texting and driving is not only dangerous – but here in Massachusetts – it’s also against the law.
Our message is simple, yet vital: When it comes to texting and driving, it can wait.
Tips to Share with Your Teen:
- Be smart. Don’t text and drive. No text message is worth being distracted while you drive.
- Be in control. Remember it’s your phone. You decide if and when to send and read texts so take control. Consider turning your phone off, setting it to silent or even storing it in the glove box before hitting the road.
- Be caring. Never send a text message to a friend who is driving to meet you, or to anyone you know is likely behind the wheel.
- Be a BFF. Friends don’t let each other text and drive. Visit www.facebook.com/att to take a pledge not to text and drive, and encourage your friends to do the same.
Tips for Adults:
- Be a resource. Share information with your teen about the risks of texting while driving. Download resources from our toolkit, www.att.com/txtngcanwait.
- Be an example. Don’t send the wrong message by texting while you drive. Your teen will follow your example. Visit the toolkit, www.att.com/txtngcanwait, to print, discuss and sign the Parent/Teen Pledge. And, if you’re on Facebook, visit www.facebook.com/att to take the pledge online and encourage your friends (and family) to do the same.
- Be caring. Don’t send a text when you know your teen is driving.
- Be aware. Know your options. AT&T Smart Limits** offers parents an easy way to manage their teen’s cell phone and text messaging activity. Go to www.att.com/smartlimits for more information.