Stephanie L. Schierholz

Stephanie L. Schierholz is the manager of social media for Raytheon. Schierholz has more than 10 years’ experience leading strategic communications, media relations and public outreach. She is the liaison between Raytheon and its external, online communities and an advocate for incorporating emerging communications technologies into outreach. Schierholz spent five years at NASA, where she was a spokesperson for human spaceflight then was the agency’s first social media manager. She’s been recognized for her work with many awards, including the Shorty award for “Best Social Media Manager,” and the Raytheon team received the PR News Best Social Media Team award in April 2013. Schieholz has spent six years in volunteer leadership for Women in Aerospace (WIA), a nonprofit focused on expanding women’s opportunities and visibility in the industry. Most recently, she was the 2012 president. She earned an M.B.A. from Georgetown University and B.A. in business administration and English.
11:30AM – 12:30PM The Facebook Era – MR 153