Shri Madhusudhan
SHRI MADHUSUDHAN is a leader with more than nineteen years of experience in the energy sector, and is currently vice president of property services at National Grid. National Grid is an electricity, natural gas, and clean energy delivery company that supplies the energy for more than twenty million people through its networks in New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. It is the largest distributor of natural gas in the Northeast. National Grid also operates systems that deliver gas and electricity across Great Britain. Madhusudhan is responsible for National Grid’s US property portfolio, including a total of eight million square feet of office and operations space enabling a workforce of more than sixteen thousand. She leads the property strategy, real estate, rights of way, and facilities operations groups within the US business. Prior to assuming her current role, Madhusudhan served in various leadership positions at Eversource Energy in the facilities, real estate and environmental areas. She earned a Bachelor of Law degree from Chennai India, an MS in environmental management and policy from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and an executive MBA from the University of Connecticut. @nationalgridus