James Beckerman
Cardiologist James Beckerman, M.D. was moved by his wife’s family experiences with heart disease to retool his own message into a flexible system for incorporating small lifestyle changes to empower others. Publication of “The Flex Diet” has led to appearances on “The Today Show” and “The Doctor Oz Show” and has established Dr. Beckerman as a fresh medical voice for his generation, combining evidence with inspiration. In addition to his full-time clinical practice with the Providence Heart and Vascular Institute, he is also the Heart Expert for WebMD.com and Lifescript.com, and serves as team cardiologist for the Portland Timbers Major League Soccer Team and Vice-Chair of the Oregon Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Dr. Beckerman earned his B.A. from Harvard University and his M.D. from Harvard Medical School before completing his training at Massachusetts General Hospital and Stanford University.