Jacqueline Gadsden

JACQUELINE GADSDEN is the vice president of diversity and inclusion and customer experience for the Greater Boston Region with Comcast. She’s responsible for the planning and execution of diversity and inclusion efforts across the Greater Boston region, which consists of five thousand employees and one point nine million customers across Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. After joining the cable industry 25 years ago, she held many leadership positions with Continental Cablevision, Media One, AT&T Broadband and lastly Comcast. Gadsden has received numerous awards, including Boston Business Journal’s Women Up Award, CABLEFAX’ Most Influential Minority in Cable, and GIRLS INC. Women of Achievement. She’s on the board of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts, and the Arts in Reach, and has also served on the Court Appointed Special Advocates board of Greater New Hampshire. Gadsden also has past and present involvement with Women in Cable, The Partnership, Inc., MANIC, Big Sister, Special Olympics and the NAACP. Gadsden graduated from Fitchburg State College, where she earned a BS in science and communications with a specialty in photography. @comcast