Gloria Steinem

GLORIA STEINEM is a writer, lecturer, political activist, and feminist organizer. In 1972, she co-founded Ms. magazine, and she remained one of its editors for fifteen years. In 1968, she helped to found New York magazine, where she was a political columnist and wrote feature articles. Her books include the bestsellers My Life on the Road, Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem,Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions, Moving Beyond Words, and Marilyn: Norma Jean, on the life of Marilyn Monroe, and in India,As If Women Matter. Steinem helped to found the Women’s Action Alliance and the National Women’s Political Caucus. She also co-founded the Women’s Media Center in 2004. She was president and co-founder of Voters for Choice, a pro-choice political action committee for twenty-five years, then with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
She was co-founder and serves on the board of Choice USA (now URGE) and is the founding president of the Ms. Foundation for Women. Steinem is founder of its Take Our Daughters to Work Day. She was a member of the Beyond Racism Initiative, and she is currently working with the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College on documenting the grassroots origins of the US women’s movement and with the Center for Organizers on a tribute to the late Wilma Mankiller, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. As a writer and activist, Steinem has received countless awards and recognitions throughout her stunning career, including the 2013 Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor. Rutgers University is now creating the Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Media, Culture, and Feminist Studies. In 1993, she co-produced and narrated Multiple Personalities: The Search for Deadly Memories, an Emmy Award winning TV documentary for HBO. With Rosilyn Heller, she also co-produced Better Off Dead, an original 1993 TV movie for Lifetime. Steinem has been the subject of three television documentaries, including HBO’s Gloria: In Her Own Words, and she is among the subjects of the 2013 PBS documentary MAKERS. She was also the subject of The Education of a Woman, a biography written by Carolyn Heilbrun. @gloriasteinem