Dr. Deborah Kolb
DR. DEBORAH KOLB is Deloitte Ellen Gabriel Professor for Women and Leadership (Emerita), and co-founder of the Ford Foundation funded Center for Gender in Organizations at the Simmons School of Management. Kolb served as executive director of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, where she currently co-directs The Negotiations in the Workplace Project. She is the author of several books on the subject, most recently penning, “Negotiating at Work: Turn Small Wins into Big Gains,” which was named by Time.com as one of the best negotiation books of 2015. “The Shadow Negotiation: Navigating the Hidden Agendas of Bargaining,” was named by Harvard Business Review as one of the ten best business books of 2000, and received the best book award from the International Association of Conflict Management at its meetings in Paris in 2001. Kolb organizes and leads executive development programs and serves as a consultant to organizations interested in retaining and advancing their best leaders. Kolb has been awarded the Outstanding Achievement award for her contributions to women’s leadership issues by the Equality Commission of the Massachusetts Bar Association, the Boston Bar Association, and the Massachusetts Women’s Bar Association.