New This Year: Community Corner!

Building on the Conference’s theme “Imagine – Find Your Purpose and Make a Difference,” and furthering its mission of helping women and girls, the Massachusetts Conference for Women is excited to offer attendees the chance to give back. Our new Community Corner, located in the Exhibit Hall, is an opportunity to connect our expansive Conference community with the needs of the communities we live in. Please consider taking part in one of the following charitable initiatives.
Building Impact
Volunteer your time today! The Massachusetts Conference for Women is proud to partner with Building Impact, whose mission it is to strengthen communities by providing individuals and companies with the knowledge and opportunity to volunteer, donate, and connect in the buildings where they work or live.
Building Impact has brought together local nonprofits whose work directly benefits those less fortunate in and around Boston, with an emphasis on organizations that impact women and children. Ten minutes of your time is all it takes to:
1) assemble a toiletry kit to be given to a homeless woman (through Rosie’s Place and YWCA)
2) assemble a birthday package to be given to a homeless child (through Birthday Wishes)
3) write a letter to a member of our Armed forces who is currently in harm’s way (through Any Soldier Inc.)
4) create a fleece blanket to be given to a low-income family (through Project Hope)
Attendees are invited to bring the following items for the birthday goody-bags:
Play Doh
Curly Straws
Costume Jewelry
Miniature cars/dolls
And to bring the following toiletry items for care packages for clients of Rosie’s Place and YWCA:
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Soap & Shampoo
Shaving Cream & Shavers
Deodorant, etc.
Is your bag feeling a little heavy? Lighten your load by scooping out your spare change and depositing it in one of our containers for Gathering Change, Inc., which will distribute the funds raised to local food pantries and social programs!
Local Leaders
Get face time with local leaders who can speak with you about the philanthropic work they are doing in their own communities, and how you might go about giving back in yours.
Volunteer Hour Counter
The Conference wants to showcase the impact you are making now and the impact we can make together as a community by collecting the number of hours attendees are volunteering. Please add the number of hours you have volunteered since Nov. 1 here
Thank you for volunteering to make your community a better place, and thank you for being a part of ours!