MassWomen App FAQ

How do I download the app?
Just search “MassWomen” in your app store, or use the appropriate download link below.
What if I already have the app from the 2019 Conference?
Please delete your old app, and download the new 2020 version in your app store. This year’s version includes some awesome updates, like a matchmaking feature, access to the podcast, and much more networking!
How do I log in?
Tap “LOGIN” in the top-right corner, then simply type in your email address and click “Continue.” NOTE: Your App login is NOT at all related to your registration login. They are completely separate systems that require 2 separate logins. If you have not used the app previously, choose the option to “Sign Up.”
How do I create a profile?
Once you’ve logged in by providing your email address, you can customize your profile by tapping “My Profile” on the home screen, or in the “My CFW” tab. Fill in as little or as much info as you’d like, but keep in mind, the more robust your profile, the better your networking experience will be.
How do I create My Schedule?
You can only create a schedule if you’ve logged in and have finished a profile. Once this is done, simply tap the session you’d like to add to your schedule from the AGENDA screen, and then click “+ Add to My Schedule.” (If you don’t see the agenda yet, that’s just because it inst ready yet, check back soon.)
How do I view my schedule after I’ve added sessions?
In the My CFW tab, click “My Schedule.”
If I add sessions to my personal schedule on the app, does that mean I’m guaranteed space in that session?
NO. We do not require or allow attendees to reserve space in any session. Creating a schedule on the app simply allows you to better plan out your busy day. One of the benefits of going virtual is that no one will be locked out of any session because of capacity. (yay, technology!)
How can I connect with a specific attendee?
Oh, the ways! Simply tap “My CFW” on the top of your app, then click on “Attendees.” You can search attendees by name, company, or title. You can also send a direct, private message attendees. Manage your messages in “Messages” in the “My CFW” tab. ALSO NEW THIS YEAR – be sure to check your “My Matches” tile from the home screen to see who you’ve been matched with based on your profile preferences. You can also browse posts on the “Social Wall” tab.
What if I have more questions about the app?
Within the Attendees section, send a direct message to Danielle Leshinski.
Be sure to update your app every now and then to ensure you’re seeing the most up-to-date content! (Top right menu.)