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Feedback Doesn’t Have to Hurt—with M. Tamra Chandler

M. Tamra Chandler

Many of our beliefs and ideas about feedback are incorrect and counterproductive and have been long distorted by our experiences. Feedback doesn’t have to be a dirty word that brings up feelings of self-doubt. Our ability to give and receive feedback can take our productivity to another level, especially with the added complexities of communication in the virtual environments we still find ourselves in.

In this episode, M. Tamra Chandler, the co-author of Feedback (and Other Dirty Words) will explore how you can recognize—and minimize—the negative physical and emotional responses that erode trust and shut down communication. Learn how to better give and receive effective, focused and fair feedback – and put these ideas into action right away!

This Month’s Guest:

TAMRA CHANDLER is a nationally recognized thought leader, author, and speaker. She’s spent the majority of her career thinking about people, researching how they’re motivated, and developing new and effective ways for organizations to achieve the ultimate win-win: inspired people driving inspiring performance. Chandler brings more than thirty years of experience in strategically partnering with organizations across industries on varied and complex business transformation projects to her role as EY Americas people advisory services leader, principal. Prior to joining EY, she was the CEO and co-founder of PeopleFirm, one of Washington State’s fastest-growing businesses and most successful women-owned firms. Prior to founding PeopleFirm, Chandler served as Arthur Andersen Business Consulting’s managing partner for the Pacific Northwest practice, and as the executive in charge of people and solutions at Hitachi Consulting. In 2016, she wrote the acclaimed book How Performance Management is Killing Performance — and What to Do About It.  Her second book, Feedback (and Other Dirty Words): Why We Fear It, How to Fix It was published in June 2019. @mtchandler

Our Host:

CELESTE HEADLEE is a communication and human nature expert, and an award-winning journalist. She is a professional speaker, and also the author of Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving, Heard Mentality and We Need to Talk. In her twenty-year career in public radio, she has been the executive producer of On Second Thought at Georgia Public Radio, and anchored programs including Tell Me More, Talk of the Nation, All Things Considered, and Weekend Edition. She also served as cohost of the national morning news show The Takeaway from PRI and WNYC, and anchored presidential coverage in 2012 for PBS World Channel. Headlee’s TEDx talk sharing ten ways to have a better conversation has over twenty million total views to date. @celesteheadlee

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