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2017 Session | Managing Up: A Strategic Approach to Success in the Workplace

Did you know that employees spend an average of nearly 20 hours a week worrying about what their boss says or does? That equates to almost half of one’s work week. Imagine how much more productive (and happier) we would be if we were able to spend our time focused on hitting business goals rather than stressing about the relationship with our boss. And even if you have the best boss imaginable, everyone has bad days and rough patches. You don’t have to sit back and allow the actions of those above you derail your day or week or consume your mind. Prioritizing your relationship with your manager is not just critical to your success, but to your overall job satisfaction. It takes two to tango so why leave the quality of the relationship solely in your manager’s hands? This session is your chance to take charge and learn the tricky art of managing up. Using best practices from experts and a panel of professionals in the trenches, attendees will learn actionable tips to:

  • Understand your manager’s work/behavioral style and adjust your style accordingly;
  • Rethink your communication approach and share information more effectively;
  • Set boundaries and know when to push back and say no;
  • Maneuver the complexities of involved around gender and working with male managers;
  • Influence quietly; and much more!

Thought Leader: Deb Pine, executive director, Bentley University Center for Women and Business

  Denise Cox, VP, technical services, Americas, Cisco Systems
⚬  Meeta Gulyani, head, strategy, business development & transformation, Millipore Sigma
⚬  Celeste Headlee, award-winning  journalist and author, We Need to Talk

Emcee: Candace L. Sutcliffe, Esq., SVP & chief compliance officer, Global compliance & ethics, Liberty Mutual Group